
Rupert M. Menapace, MD
Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon

Chief Surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology & Optometry
Medical Director of the "Outpatient Cataract Surgery Unit"
Head of the "Cataract & Intraocular Lens Service"
University of Vienna Medical School (MUW, www.meduniwien.ac.at),
Vienna General Hospital ("Allgemeines Krankenhaus", AKH)

Private Office:

Group Practice at the Vienna Private Hospital (www.wpk.at)
Lazarettgasse 25/1st Floor
A-1090 Vienna

Tel. +43 1 401 80 - 7010
Fax +43 1 401 80 - 1440
eMail: ordination@prof-menapace.at
Attending eye surgeon (also ambulatory) at:

Private Hospital "Confraternität" (www.confraternitaet.at)
Skodagasse 32 (pedestrian entrance) / Haspingergasse 6 (car access)
A-1080 Vienna

Tel. +43 1 40 114 - 0
Fax +43 1 40 114 - 5607

Private Hospital "Rudolfinerhaus" (www.rudolfinerhaus.at)
Billrothstraße 78 (Google Maps)
A-1190 Vienna

Tel. +43 1 360 36 - 0
